4 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Fatma-Elzahraa Eid
I have been trying to access ipfam website, the database of interacting domains, for several weeks. Is iPfam no longer kept online? If so, any alternatives?
01 January 2018 4,463 2 View
I have a set of human cell receptor names (AXL, CD209,...). I want to identify for each receptor which human cell types (neural stem cell, skin cells, ...) it belongs to. Is there any...
10 October 2016 1,627 1 View
Is there a calculation to obtain what is the possible lowest global alignment score for any protein? If I aligned protein y with all the proteins in the world, is there a limit of minimum score I...
02 February 2016 4,137 1 View
Examining a data file reporting the SNPs for each individual using some illumina chip, each SNP position has two values for each allele. For SNPs S1 and S2, the first alleles have values v1 and...
02 February 2016 9,210 2 View