20 Questions 62 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Farzin Piltan
Dear researcher, I would like to have some references and practical information about boiler tube data collection for normal and ab-normal boiler tube conditions, such as; type of sensors, methods...
04 July 2017 2,699 2 View
To model reference fault identification of bearing, I need to the dynamic formulation of bearing based on Lagrangian formulation.
15 April 2017 2,357 3 View
I'd like to design FPGA-based fuzzy controller to control of delay time system. I'd like to know about your idea to design fuzzy rule base, membership function and the other important fuzzy...
12 March 2015 3,504 3 View
One of the robust and stable nonlinear controllers is sliding mode controller. This controller has two parts: 1) Control mode: based on the sliding surface and a function to tracking follow for...
23 December 2014 2,786 17 View
To reduce the vibration of motor (link) in any robot arm, which method of nonlinear control is better? and if we use the conventional-nonlinear control, how we can solve the uncertainty???
23 December 2014 2,620 8 View
One of the important challenge in intelligent nonlinear control is overshoot. How we can to reduce/eliminate it?
17 December 2014 4,299 4 View
Fuzzy sliding mode controller does not provide stability to the nonlinear system. how we can solve it, if SMC be stable.
15 December 2014 528 6 View
13 December 2014 8,265 17 View
In the membership function choice, one has to solve a few problems: how to choose general parameters, such as the number of classes (membership functions)?
09 December 2014 8,126 13 View
How I can design a Inverse dynamic controller for robot manipulator? What is the difference between a computed torque controller and a inverse dynamic controller?
06 October 2014 8,318 3 View
Sliding Mode Controller is a Robust Controller, So to reduce the chattering any Type of linear controller such as (PID) added to SMC, Is it robust?
01 October 2014 1,186 8 View
One of the important problem to design and implement Sliding Mode controller is dynamical based FPGA-part, so what's your idea about it?
25 September 2014 4,195 1 View
I'd like to know about the best method to defined a fuzzy rule base for fuzzy logic controllers, most of references said experience knowledge is the best way, but what are the other parameters?
14 September 2014 8,930 24 View
As you know, conventional nonlinear controllers are works based on system's dynamic, so how we can design FPGA-based nonlinear controller?
05 August 2014 2,313 8 View
To have the best performance (trajectory follow, disturbance rejection, torque performance and error performance), which type of controller do you recommended? Linear or nonlinear...
22 July 2014 4,930 17 View
One of the most important challenges to design any controllers are stability and robustness. in this case we want to improve the stability and robustness in Sliding Mode Controller in presence of...
18 July 2014 6,295 10 View
I'd like to design iSMC for a nonlinear system such as robot manipulator but I'd like to know about i-SMC.
10 July 2014 6,280 4 View
In my application, I'd like to find the best nonlinear controller to control of robotic manipulator. The important factors are: stability, robustness, reduce the energy and high tracking.
07 July 2014 3,864 8 View
Based on literature most of researchers introduce a method to reduce or eliminate the chattering such as bounadary layer method, artificial intelligence method and so on. But each method also has...
05 July 2014 239 44 View
This Special Issue will focus on control, modeling, various machine learning techniques, fault diagnosis, and fault-tolerant control for systems. Papers specifically addressing the theoretical,...
01 January 1970 7,058 2 View