12 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Fareezex Mohd Rawi
As for TGA analysis, in order to get better result for the curve, it is recommended for us to subtract with the blank curve. So how about DSC?
15 August 2018 5,688 8 View
In TGA/DSC (Brand Perkin Elmer, Mettler Toledo), I noticed that there will be always temperature differences between Program Temperature and Sample Temperature for all result. In your opinion,...
27 October 2017 5,086 6 View
Recently I noticed it happen to a few sample for this gap. If I run a standard sample Silica-Alumina for example, the curve is overlapping between a few first point of adsorption and a few end...
28 March 2017 5,268 3 View
There are quite of numbers of instrument to perform elemental analysis such as EDX, XRF, etc. What are the pro and con? Recently I noticed that there are high percentage of an element for C and O...
07 February 2017 3,963 9 View
Is there any link between ICDS (inorganic crystal structure database), ICDD (International Centre for Diffraction Data) and JCPDS (Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards)? Because right...
20 December 2016 6,274 11 View
In general, is the weight will effect the result in BET for N2 adsorption at a standard temperature (77 K) analysis? Say the weight is less than 0.05g.
21 November 2016 4,460 6 View
What are the factors for misfire for Bomb Calorimeter to happen? Recently I've noticed that this equipment can't give a result because of misfire during the operation. And I've noticed that the...
27 September 2016 9,763 2 View
I've noticed that each time I run blank sample for TGA (cleaning process), it always shows a weight gain. Is that possible my Sample Pan has been contaminated? If yes, is that possible it was...
22 September 2016 144 7 View
Model: DMA 8000 Brand: Perkin Elmer Analysis: Dynamic method, temp range -80 to 30degree, heating rate 3deg/min. Is there any specific explanation why I need to use lower strain for stiff sample...
30 August 2016 7,847 2 View
My sample is copper, run under Nitrogen gas at 20ml/min. Temperature range is 30deg - 990deg. I already subtracted with blank curve which is I perform with the same parameter.However, the curve...
21 August 2016 2,585 11 View
In general, what is the Z-average size for the particle can be considered as nano range? For example, the result I obtain for Particle Size is 10nm. Can it be concluded that my sample is in nano...
26 July 2016 5,018 5 View
I believe it is not necessary to put more taking point at hysteresis area as well. The main point is, make sure adsorption and description is well overlapping each other at the beginning and end...
24 January 2016 6,042 2 View