8 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Evans Kyei
I am trying to perform a linear regression analysis but I fear that my data has heteroscedasticity, thus violating the assumption of homoscedasticity which is required for linear regression. I...
15 June 2020 348 3 View
I estimated the percent tree cover for two fields and obtained as an example the following values ( 95 % CI): 13.67% (11.93-15.41%) and 9.27% (7.8-10.74%) . As the 95% CI do not overlap, can I...
10 May 2020 2,580 23 View
This is how i interpreted it: Results of a binary logistic regression analysis to assess the effect of demographic factors such as farmers education, farmland size, location of farmland in the...
26 April 2020 7,416 5 View
Below is a hypothetical example of how my data looks like in excel. My actual data has 16 sites and each site has about 10 plots, so its a huge dataset). Plots are nested within Sites. I would...
13 April 2020 9,914 6 View
I need recommendations for some North American native trees that produce very deep root systems ( probably more than 2 feet deep) during its seedling or young stage of life.
06 April 2020 2,734 1 View
I don't have access to a lab oven. What are other methods I can use?
30 March 2020 1,792 14 View
A common trend I have seen among many shoppers and other people, in this troubling times, is the wearing of latex gloves as a measure against contracting the Covid- 19 virus. While shopping, many...
28 March 2020 8,146 12 View
I am looking to understand how different native trees with different functional traits compete against Japanese knotweed. The traits I want to consider include: 1. Species with different light...
07 March 2020 6,798 5 View