8 Questions 43 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Erik Meijaard
Last year I found a text in German in which Salomon Müller describes how he climbs Mount Singgalang in Sumatra, sees a pygmy squirrel on a mossy tree, and shoots it. I shared the text with a...
03 April 2018 5,446 9 View
In a recent critique of our paper on the third orangutan species, the author of a blog wrote that: "a “species” is not an arbitrary segment of nature’s continuum, but real entities that maintain...
12 November 2017 9,723 98 View
While recently looking at Ibisbills on the banks of a mountain river in Bhutan it struck me how well camouflaged the birds were with their dark chest bands being similar in colour and shape as the...
10 February 2015 7,724 5 View
I am trying to work out where in the world people have really changed the way they interact with their environment, either at regional (e.g., country-wide) or local scales (e.g., a town,...
13 May 2014 6,671 12 View
We are reviewing the taxonomy of the Giant Forest Hog and it appears that the eastern populations in Kenya, Ethiopia, and possibly also Sudan are distinct. The differences are clearly not clinal....
26 June 2013 3,629 3 View
We are looking into naming a new species of mammal. There is a name available based on 70,000 year old teeth from a population not far from where the new species occurs. That name was published in...
20 June 2013 4,183 65 View
I am coordinating the Borneo Futures initiative, a research program focused on generating scientific insights that will result in more optimal use of land, forests, and forest services, and better...
05 June 2013 6,145 18 View
I am thinking about the consequences of no-forestation policies, called for by a range of environmental groups such as Greenpeace and TFT, and what this could mean for development in forested...
01 January 1970 3,964 10 View