5 Questions 5 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Emenike Okonkwo
Extract from plants have been extensively used to synthesize metallic and non-metallic nano-particles. However can they be used as eco-friendly materials for the recovery of toxic metals? Can...
01 January 2020 6,215 3 View
Quenching and partitioning is an operation used in develop of TRIP, AHSS steels with the whole point of inducing more than one phase. However can't it be applied to precipitation hardenable...
11 November 2018 3,751 3 View
I want to use sol gel or acid hydrolysis to prepare nanoclay particles from a locally sourced clay. I am looking at comparing the two processes. However i have not been able to come across some...
02 February 2018 4,726 3 View
If an activated carbon in service has a pore size of 3 micron, can it change to about 4 microns under continual usage and if yes, is there a way to revert it back to the original pore size. Thanks
02 February 2017 4,921 4 View
Is it possible to quench a steel sample from a 800 degrees celsius to 300 degrees celsius within a time frame less than 100 seconds by placing taking it out and placing it in another furnace whose...
08 August 2016 7,547 5 View