5 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Dmytro Prylipko
Is there any research on this topic? Speaker adaptation is widely known in the speech recognition field. I am wondering whether it has been applied to enhance performance of affective state...
21 August 2014 2,926 5 View
Having participated in a few projects aiming to build simple ASR solutions using CMU Sphinx and open-source models from VoxForge (adapted by myself), I am quite disappointed in their performance....
19 April 2014 5,784 4 View
Does anyone know about a software or service that is able to generate speech grammar from a set of sample sentences? For instance, for the set: fight for life fight for the life fight for your...
22 March 2014 4,326 1 View
I have two feature sets I evaluated using SVM on a two-class problem. The first set (the "good" one) provides acceptable results, while the second one is far behind. When I merge the two sets...
13 March 2014 248 3 View
There is a simple telephone-based dialog system based on Asterisk + UniMRCP + Sphinx. The issue is that the system recognizes input very, very badly, despite that the accuracy for offline...
03 December 2013 1,426 4 View