8 Questions 94 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Dipon Das
I have a gene cloned in a CMV mammalian vector, transfected into bacterial strain DH5 alpha. I am unable to induce the expression of the plasmid even on adding IPTG (varying concentration) and...
01 January 2013 3,814 8 View
What are the experimental modes of determining the interaction of a protein and a ligand (small molecule)?
11 November 2012 549 11 View
Can XRD or any other biophysical methods other than ITC be used to study the interaction between a protein and a small ligand molecule ?
11 November 2012 5,902 5 View
Is it possible to determine a protein as cancer biomarker using only cell lines? If yes, what are the methods should be employed to know that the protein is a biomarker?
07 July 2012 7,602 19 View
I have a novel bacterial protein, which while isolating, doesn't come out in the supernatent as it forms inclusion bodies, thereby making it impossible to crystallize. Can anyone suggest what I...
05 May 2012 6,571 6 View
Can anyone suggest free web software with which I can do virtual screening against some free compound database like ZINC using a protein structure ?
05 May 2012 276 11 View
What can be the main reason for an anti-cancer drug being effective in some individuals and bein ineffective in other individuals???
04 April 2011 8,931 40 View
Why does cancer cells tend to become drug resistance??
01 January 2011 4,209 4 View