5 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Dharmendra Kushwaha
What is the concept of repeated earthquakes? How does the dynamic analysis is performed under repeated earthquake? Is this done in a different way that IDA analysis? How the ground motion data...
03 November 2023 4,872 4 View
I am trying to verify the results obtained by modal analysis and response analysis of a G+4 RC hill Building with the base paper results but unfortunately couldn`t. Although I have followed all...
10 October 2023 7,366 9 View
An error is showing during the verify all members passed in SAP2000 for a G+3 RC Hill building. The bottom columns of dimension 400x400 mm2 while remaining columns dimension is 300x300 mm2. The...
16 June 2023 3,995 1 View
1. How does,one can verify the building models, whether it fulfils the criterion Ʃ Mc ≥ 1.4ƩMb as per IS 1893:2016 in SAP2000? 2. How can I calculate the shear force at each floor level in SAP2000...
07 June 2023 1,552 3 View
I am working on the IDA analysis of a hilly buildings, but to verify the existing literatures several researchers have done this using repeated earthquakes at a certain time interval. Now, I am...
01 January 1970 6,467 0 View