23 Questions 69 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Dennis Soku
Is this ideology meant just to instill discipline in students or it is implemented elsewhere? On what grounds can a student who, for instance, makes Second Class upper grade be awarded a First...
09 September 2017 962 3 View
The general practice I have observed is that a student, caught for the first time, cheating in an examination has the examination paper in the subject in question cancelled. In addition the...
07 July 2017 2,942 4 View
Every University/ University College has her own criteria for promotion of her academic staff. The major ones known to me are: an expected number of publications; students’ evaluation reports on...
08 August 2016 2,658 0 View
In preparing your table of specification from your course outline, some lecturers use Bloom’s taxonomy while other use that of Solo. Which one do you use and what informs your choice? Higher...
04 April 2016 6,002 4 View
It appears most private Universities in Ghana do not offer effective counseling service to their students. It seems to me that for this service to be effective, some basic provisions should be...
02 February 2016 8,393 6 View
I went through some English answer scripts of students. I found that some students have written on different aspects of the topic which the lecturer did not ask for (i.e deviation). The lecturer...
01 January 2016 3,785 6 View
My investigation has shown that quite a good number of lectures dictate their lecture notes to the students during lectures. This method of teaching may leave the learning styles of some of the...
09 September 2015 1,680 60 View
Previously you could have access to any published work of any Researchgate member. But of late, members prefer to publish the abstracts of their work while they withhold the main works. Other...
07 July 2015 4,106 5 View
The literature review of a research work is usually made up of three parts: Theoretical framework, empirical review and conceptual framework. The conceptual framework has usually been in a form of...
04 April 2015 1,357 5 View
Child renting is a practice whereby parents hire their children (i.e. between 5-13 years) to farmers and fishermen etc. These children live and work for their ‘‘lords’’ under very difficult...
01 January 2015 3,194 0 View
Different researchers traced their research problems from different angles. For instance, while some trace it to the source/ cause of a situation/ behaviour, others identify it with the...
01 January 2015 2,774 6 View
Scientific investigation and research are both concepts that apply for search for something about which a new fact or knowledge is sought. Both concepts are subject to rules and procedures. Both...
01 January 2015 3,093 1 View
I have always thought that the gap that a researcher wants to address becomes evident after he has done his/ her literature review. He/ she will then be in a position to formulate the research...
11 November 2014 8,012 4 View
Apart from the core and elective subjects done in various programmes in African universities, some of these universities have introduced new mandatory courses for their students with the view of...
11 November 2014 3,846 0 View
In Ghana, I have observed that the phoneme /j/ is realized as /dz/; /y/ or /Ʒ/ in speeches by individuals. I have also noticed that the difference in the realizations depends on either the absence...
11 November 2014 1,223 3 View
Recently, I accompanied a friend, who felt sick, to the hospital. He was diagnosed to have RBBB. It was said that it was a condition where a nerve that leads to the heart becomes weak and cannot...
09 September 2014 9,423 3 View
In the past almost every speech community cherished and used proverbs in speech acts. Chinua Achebe wrote in Things Fall Apart that in Nigeria, proverb was the oil with which words were eaten. It...
08 August 2014 9,359 10 View
A survey carried out among 60 students of nine nationalities in three Ghanaian universities revealed that 95% of them, when indicating their nationality either orally or in writing, place before...
08 August 2014 1,597 30 View
I have observed that no matter how valuable information one might have in an article, once it is not published by a journal which is not too known to the reading public, people hardly read the...
07 July 2014 6,427 2 View
I have a number of articles written in French pending publication. I want to have them published in peer reviewed journals of international reputation. Any information on these journals would be...
06 June 2014 5,176 4 View
Bilingual scholars of English and French are often torn between reporting research works in the present or the past tense. While scholars of English advocate that, the work is what the researcher...
05 May 2014 2,808 4 View
If so, could somebody suggest some examples? Some grammarians look at synonyms as words that have the same meaning or similar meanings in a language. A closer look at some pairs of words listed in...
05 May 2014 7,172 5 View
I am writing a paper on inflectional morphemes in English. The literature reviewed so far listed six inflectional morphemes in English which exclude 'y'. Two criteria were used in selecting the...
05 May 2014 1,966 5 View