8 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from DEEPAK KUMAR AKAR
How will it make a difference if gamma spectroscopy is carried out using powder rather than crystal. I think resolution will be poor but why I am not able to make it out.
26 January 2016 954 7 View
I want to generate spectrum of emitted beta particles due to beta decay of Lu-177 with end point energy as 498.3 keV. Is it possible? If yes please guide me.
25 January 2016 2,950 5 View
Energy deposited per unit mass (absorbed dose) in a medium is proportional to its mass to some extent. But if the medium changes its density also plays a role. I wonder whether there is a direct...
09 February 2015 6,260 10 View
Electrons undergo point interactions as well as continuous energy loss in a media they are travelling. I want to know how they are transported in Monte Carlo codes How the continuous slowing down...
27 January 2015 4,363 9 View
I have read that "many" distributions converge to Gaussian distributions. The conditions mentioned along with are number of trials should be large enough and mean as well as variance should...
26 November 2014 7,579 2 View
ICRP has revised its dose limits, radiation and tissue weighting factors a number of times in its reports. Can any one explain the basis on which they were derived/ judged and what basis was they...
19 November 2014 6,830 20 View
I want to know whether the period of random number generator depends on the programming language or the bits in the processor? If it depends on the processors than how the periods or randomness...
10 August 2014 3,381 8 View
A Gaussian distribution has an exponential term and 2 variables. Its log will turn it linear. But I am not able to figure out how many points will suffice to fit a gaussian distribution and why?...
27 March 2014 8,258 8 View