6 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from David Villegas-Ríos
Hi. I´m running a cox model in R with the following structure: sur_Are_beh_final
30 October 2020 2,746 1 View
Dear all, One can use a mixed-model framework to estimate repeatability (R) of a trait, for example a behavioral trait. Repeatability is calculated based on the two variance components obtained...
04 June 2015 4,206 2 View
Hi. I used PCA to extract the principal components of a set of 5 variables. The eigenvalue of the first component is 1.98, and for the second is 0.98. So I retain the first PC (because it is...
20 October 2014 9,868 9 View
I run some experiments on fish behavior , and extracted some variables from each test (tests are replicated twice). One of the variable is "latency to exit a shelter" which is a classical...
16 September 2014 6,997 18 View
Hi, I have to visualize a batch of videos of fish behaviour in captivity and extract some variables from them. These are for example: total time active, total time motionless, total time in a...
08 July 2014 723 20 View
I'm running some behavioral trials on captive fish, like open field test, mirror test and novel object test. I'd like to analyse the data using video tracking software to get information about...
01 May 2014 8,278 31 View