14 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from David Shaw
I am exploring the development of the idea that morality or justice for the state is different from morality or justice for the individual, as it appears for example in the work of Machiavelli. I...
05 February 2023 9,710 3 View
Average partner incomes in the major management consultancy firms are high compared with the average incomes of senior people in some (but not all) other occupations. This appears to be explained...
08 April 2021 850 3 View
As a former management practitioner, I recall a generally accepted view that changing organisational culture is difficult, so you should only attempt it if the organisational change that you are...
28 February 2021 2,980 8 View
Homer's Iliad is full of brief references to named individuals, describing for example how those individuals kill or are killed in battle. Many of these individuals seem to appear only in these...
13 December 2018 7,941 5 View
Published work on organisation design often sets out very inclusive accounts of the scope of the subject, extending for example from corporate strategy to detailed design of operational processes,...
16 November 2018 2,976 5 View
Organisational change authors often refer to the famous Heraclitus fragment, 'Everything flows. Nothing remains the same.' I am interested in identifying references to Heraclitus and other...
16 January 2018 9,754 4 View
I have found the Burke-Litwin model useful as a framework for thinking about organisational change, but there must be some recent critiques of it that would help in adapting it to take account of...
12 November 2017 5,728 1 View
There is evidence in the literature that managers involved in implementing large-scale organisational change tend both to employ management consultants to help implement the change and to use...
27 June 2017 9,548 3 View
I am interested in identifying academic literature that examines how far management development programmes for senior managers are used for, and effective in, helping to initiate and manage...
07 March 2016 899 2 View
I am keen to identify recent literature that examines ways in which downsizing and organisational restructuring can contribute positively to strategic organisational change. I am particularly...
22 February 2016 7,288 7 View
I am keen to identify recent literature that sheds light on this question. Most of the relevant literature that I have been able to identify was written 20 or more years ago, and I am wondering...
08 February 2016 4,491 3 View
I am interested in carrying out research into the effectiveness of recruiting outsiders to fill capability gaps that have to be filled in order to manage organisational change, and the...
04 February 2016 1,426 2 View
I am particularly interested in identifying recent literature that sheds light on this question.
27 January 2016 1,594 8 View
I am interested in assessing the extent to which using project management methods both facilitates and hinders successful organisational change. The scope of the assessment I would like to make...
11 March 2014 4,597 10 View