14 Questions 5 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Chen Ziheng
Hi everyone, I am working on improving the accuracy and efficiency of some traditional machine learning models. As game theory illustrates the cooperation and conflict of different decision...
02 February 2018 1,624 5 View
Hi, now I am dealing with a picture with size of 72*72 and I want to use the Convolutional Neural Networks to classify by the label. I know there are mant differnt ways to design the size of...
04 April 2016 3,174 3 View
Hi researchers! I am a learner of statistics learing and machine learning. After applying the Convolutional neural networks into image recognition and text mining, I think this method is powerful...
03 March 2016 8,369 5 View
Hi, now I want to introduce the Convolutional Neural Network to variable selection. I have a high dimensional gene data and some labels, and I want to find some important variables....
02 February 2016 8,369 4 View
I am trying to make a project with word embedding. However, the first step is to extract word features from passages. Thus I need to apply word2vec into my material. As I am a student in...
12 December 2015 10,191 8 View
Nowadays, I have a matrix of high dimensional about genetic expression with 655 variables. I want to find the influentional variables. Although there are some methods such as logistic regression...
11 November 2015 6,806 6 View
Hi, now I just read a paper from JASA named《permutation approach to testing interaction for binary response by comparing correlations between classes》, it says permutation can lower the FDR rate....
11 November 2015 7,658 3 View
Hi, I want to predict the salary of people working in financial market and I know their age, health-insurance level and marital condition and so on. However, the sample that have a salary above...
10 October 2015 3,194 5 View
Dear friends, I am now looking for some useful packages for neural network computing and deeplearning. However I can't find a complete packages written in java,c or R. Can you recommend some...
07 July 2015 1,359 11 View
Hi, now I start my new research. I know that deep learning is a very hot field of machine learning and I want to apply the theory of deep learning into text classification. However, as my major...
06 June 2015 8,338 3 View
Hello, everyone, now I embark on an new research about the relationship on Twitter. However, I was confused how can I map a large amount of links on one map quickly. I have a 250000*250000 0 or...
05 May 2015 2,703 10 View
Now I have the comments of several products in amazon, and I want to apply the lda model. Firstly, I have to construct the word-document matrix. But it is hard for me to make it, becauce I find it...
03 March 2015 5,441 12 View
I want to predict the voting behavior of american politicians. I believe that when people read different bills, they make a decision in different topics of a bill, just like following a decision...
03 March 2015 2,036 3 View
Hi all: I met a problem in an RL project. We use an searching method to produce the data and then use deep neural network to train the value function. It is an off-policy method. We...
01 January 1970 3,403 4 View