14 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Chandra Shekar
Is there a way by which we can know the optimized geometry of a molecule is local minima without actually performing the frequency calculations. I just want to know is there any alternative way...
07 July 2017 9,943 1 View
Is graphene nanowall is different from graphene ?
05 May 2016 1,640 2 View
I generated cube files for (a) Surface (b) Molecule and (c) Surface + Molecule. Forumula: Charge Transfer = Bader Charge of (c) - Bader Charge of (a) - Bader Charge of (b). But it gives change...
02 February 2016 2,281 8 View
I just want to know how one can use huckel MO theory for acetylene (2 pi bonds~4 electrons).
07 July 2014 8,291 10 View
I optimized a molecule in a specific concentration of solvent (methanol) with dielectric constant (eps)=68.0 (from experiment) using G09. But for doing a frequency calculation it requires eps(inf)...
07 July 2014 7,618 3 View
I did an experiment in a specific solvent 1:3 (methanol : water) ratio. I want to calculate the optimized geometry of the molecule in the same concentration of solvent using PCM as implemented in...
06 June 2014 5,645 2 View
I want to use a dielectric constant of a specific concentration of solvent to optimize a molecule in gaussian g09
06 June 2014 5,172 2 View
I want to calculate the value of polarizability of the bond in the presence and absence of external field for a molecule
12 December 2013 6,466 10 View
I want to calculate the minimum energy geometries (mutiple minima) of adenine on surface of graphene
12 December 2013 593 10 View
Is there any technique or property by which I can distinguish sp and sp2 bonds theoretically?
12 December 2013 7,459 2 View
I want to study the interaction of non covalent interaction of amino acid and naphthalene.
12 December 2013 6,585 5 View
I want to find the properties of different isomers using dft.
10 October 2013 9,941 3 View
I want to show the overlap orbitals between two molecules (pi-pi) interacting with each other. I got overlap orbitals at homo-15, homo-20, homo-45 etc.
10 October 2013 2,390 6 View
I am keen to know how to calculate the time required for, say 100 atoms for a given basis set, number of processors and the memory using DFT in Gaussian.
09 September 2013 9,274 3 View