10 Questions 3 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Cady Ubaldo
I am planning to use Spearman, but can I still use Spearman Correlation even though my data is not ordinal? Or do I convert my data to ranks first?
14 November 2016 1,753 5 View
Or is the normality testing of age/sex in regards to empathy scores and fiction reading interest scores enough? Based on my judgement alone with the first question, I do not think so. But I still...
14 November 2016 2,229 5 View
Above says all. Tnx.
23 October 2016 1,984 8 View
So, I'm practically asking about the consequence of outdated laws on the topic in question. I mean maybe the law is so neglected that the funds are not being handled right. Or maybe other rules...
22 October 2016 4,246 3 View
Or as close to such topic. I can always revise. Thank you. UPDATE: To be more specific, I am focusing on parent-adolescent relationship, with separating distance within the country.
19 October 2016 6,077 4 View
Or can't I simply give value of 0, 1 to Males, Females respectively? Because I have noted someone give value of 1, 2 to Males, Females respectively, then create a dummy variable with new 0,1 to...
28 September 2016 7,423 17 View
During emergency cases, it is illegal for hospitals to reject any patient due to this patient's lack of budget for the treatment. One can measure whether or not the hospital is doing its best to...
28 September 2016 7,948 8 View
Both qualitative and quantitative suggestions are accepted. Thanks.
25 September 2016 3,973 3 View
Is this right? Stratified Proportional Sampling: For example there's 2 Groups: Grp 1 & 2: (Grp 1's total population/total combined pop of both Grps) x total sample population needed = sample...
12 September 2016 5,146 3 View
The ranges/rates for my survey are the following: Most Emphatic (+4 to 11)................. 8 possible scores(ex. 5 or 9 total points) Moderately Emphatic (-3 to +3)........ 7 possible...
12 September 2016 9,575 3 View