6 Questions 29 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Bodhisattwa Banerjee
To check the primer specificity we do run a melt curve analysis and a single curve implies the formation of a single product. But I have seen in many papers people reconfirming the specificity by...
01 January 2017 3,347 10 View
I am working on the expression of ornithine-urea cycle genes and proteins in fish. But the problem is that we do not have fish-specific CPS III available commercially. So if anyone has CPS III...
04 April 2014 1,562 1 View
Whenever we homogenise the tissues for preparing samples for Western blot or any other experiment (i.e. enzyme assay, etc.), a lot of frothing occurs. How can we decrease the amount of frothing?...
03 March 2014 7,473 4 View
I am working in gene expression studies of walking catfish (Clarias batrachus). We use in vivo models for the treated conditions. But to study the inhibitor effects I need to have primary cell...
01 January 2014 8,708 2 View
Whenever I am trying to run a qPCR analysis for a particular gene the exponential algorithm is failing. I have tried two different set of primers. Although the amplification curve is coming nicely...
09 September 2013 7,930 7 View
Can anyone please explain how should I titrate the optimal antibody dilution for immunofluorescence using CY3 conjugated secondary antibodies?
09 September 2013 1,307 24 View