23 Questions 66 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from B.K. Tripathy
For the past few years, Stanford University USA is coming up with a list of scientists, who are among the top 2% scientists in the world. I would like to know how the list is generated, by keeping...
27 January 2024 157 4 View
D-index is a measure to rank researchers by the research.com site. Can anyone explain through an example as how itis computed.
24 September 2023 7,350 0 View
Long since we have come across AI and ML where ML is a subset of AI. Data science has been framed recently. My query is where does data Science fit into this realm of AI and ML? Is it under AI...
15 May 2023 3,179 3 View
Both these models seem to be combinations of several models. The basic objective to go for these models is to improve the performance of the individual models. Now, how to differentiate them?
30 April 2022 6,092 2 View
Both genetic algorithms and metaheuristic algorithms are optimization algorithms. Is one category of these two is included under the other?
19 December 2021 890 9 View
Are Convolutional Neural Networks not Deep? If "yes" then there is no point in proposing Deep Convolutional Neural Networks!! Isn't it? If "no" then how CNN is defined as a deep learning...
12 September 2021 2,898 13 View
Deep Learning is a branch of Machine learning. Also, DNN is a branch of Machine Learning. The question comes as how Deep Learning and DNN (Or Neural Networks) stand in comparison to each other.
12 September 2021 5,505 12 View
The ResNet(Residual Network) was introduced after CNN (Convolutional Neural Network). Additional layers are added to a DNN to improve accuracy and performance and are useful in solving complex...
03 April 2021 2,910 4 View
Fuzzy Information Systems are well known long since. There are two popular type of such systems in the form of Mamdani model and Sugeno model. Intuitionistic fuzzy sets are generalizations of...
20 February 2021 3,373 1 View
The concept of linguistic variables was introduced by Zadeh in 1973. It is the most important and basic concept in fuzzy logic. But, it is not mentioned anywhere in literature that this paper...
14 February 2021 1,805 7 View
The Boundary Equilibrium generative Adversarial Networks (BEGAN) is supposed to have partially controlled the diversity of generator by influencing the discriminator. Is there any model developed...
06 September 2020 5,694 4 View
The Kohonen self organising maps(KSOM) and the Learning vector quantization(LVQ) both classify patterns. It is said that both these two being that the topological structure at the output unit is...
05 August 2020 7,215 2 View
We know that a neural network is by default fully connected. But recently i found in a paper, "Deep Learning" by LeCun, Bengio and Hinton where some of the figures of neural networks are partially...
25 May 2020 5,791 10 View
We have found that several variants of deep learning have been obtained in the beginning years. Now the question is what is the next variant of deep learning is to come out. Of course one can...
24 May 2020 7,469 3 View
Research in combining reinforcement learning with deep learning can lead to many applications like that in human vision. In this connection the two variants of deep learning; ConvNet and RNN can...
24 May 2020 4,356 3 View
Supervised learning is the basis of deep learning. But, human and animal learning are unsupervised. In order to make deep learning more effective in human life we need to discover approaches using...
24 May 2020 1,138 9 View
A lot of studies were devoted to find a rigorous mathematical convergence proof for GAs. In fact analytical techniques could have been used to derive the convergence. However, no concrete answer...
14 February 2020 7,722 4 View
We find that combining D-numbers, D- Intuitionistic Hesitant Fuzzy Sets have been defined by X. Li and X Chen. But there is no mention in the literature about the D- Hesitant Fuzzy sets. Is it a...
03 March 2019 1,722 3 View
I mean if we put c = 10, can i have 4 or 5 clusters out of these having same membership values for all the data points?
16 March 2017 6,782 3 View
The k-means concept states that every cluster must contain at least k elements. The c-means concept states that there should be exactly c number of clusters. So, according to me these two...
06 February 2016 670 8 View
In interval arithmetic, for an interval I= [a, b] we define -I = [-b, -a]. But, it does not satisfy the arithmetic formula like I + J -I = I and more specifically, I - I != [0,0]. It creates a...
29 January 2016 8,625 6 View
Soft set was introduced soft set in 1999 as a model to capture uncertainties. Recently, Smarandache introduced a notion which he calls hyper soft set. In soft set theory a soft is associated with...
01 January 1970 3,645 2 View
A recent paper by B.K.Tripathy and D. Mittal published in the Applied Soft Computing journal can be referred.
01 January 1970 976 3 View