7 Questions 11 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ayhan Yuzubenli
Einstein field equations can explain clearly spherical objects (schwartzschild, kerr solutions), deflection of light, black holes etc. But for torus like objects, for example saturn or jupiter...
11 May 2020 2,297 0 View
yes black hole event horizon is observed and this confirms einstein relativity, but at the same time a torus object surrounding a black hole is observed and einstein field equastions do not work...
12 April 2019 6,293 2 View
recently in cosmology torus object is observed, a torus object surrounding a black hole, yes that s good, but einstein field equations do not work on torus geometry or on torus metric, now what...
10 April 2019 2,729 9 View
Validity or limits of einstein fields equations on torus? recently in cosmology torus object is observed, a torus object surrounding a black hole, yes that s good, but einstein field equations do...
10 April 2019 5,524 0 View
Usually in physics mathematics we study and discuss invariance, symmetries of physical systems, under some changes the physical properties of a system do not change. Also may we discuss...
01 January 1970 6,665 2 View
By analogy from pair production, Is it possible to imagine pair universe production. Our universe is matter dominated, and it must be possible to imagine another anti matter dominated universe....
01 January 1970 677 0 View
Blackhole confirms and but torus not, limits of einstein relativity? yes black hole event horizon is observed and this confirms einstein relativity, but at the same time a torus object surrounding...
01 January 1970 5,031 1 View