25 Questions 62 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Atiqa Ijaz Khan
What is actually a SOP: Statement of Purpose? And what are the general outlines to follow while writing it? Especially in the field of GIS/ Remote sensing/ Big Data. Do share your experiences or...
12 December 2019 5,877 5 View
I need suggestions... I have completed M.Phil in Geomatics, and want to pursue PHD in this regard... But under some scholarship, preferably fully funded to partially funded. I am a working as GIS...
06 June 2019 4,847 3 View
I am working on review paper on glacier monitoring using Remote Sensing techniques. Do share your ideas or suggest some related papers for literature review. Thank you.
01 January 2018 3,492 1 View
Today i got an email about publishing my thesis as hard book bind through "Lambert Academic Publication". I have no idea about this. Kindly share your opinion. Is worthy to publish there?
09 September 2017 5,049 17 View
Where i can find Geological sheets for Pakistan or Azad Kashmir? I need that for fault line verification using lineaments extraction techniques.
07 July 2017 2,328 0 View
I want to start practicing both GIS and RS on software "R", how and where to start it initially? Any recommended books or sites for tutorials. is highly appreciated.
06 June 2016 2,994 4 View
I have seen many researchers are using Excel for reference storing. I haven't tried that yet...I prefered to use Endnote software. My question is How Excel can be used for storing references.
01 January 1970 3,853 2 View
While reviewing any publication, paper, letter, or articles, what are the key things that has to be addressed and in what way. How much relaxation should be given to the author or how tough the...
01 January 1970 2,785 14 View
Review paper and article are two different format of publication. What are the main points that should be kept in mind while writing a review paper.
01 January 1970 2,059 5 View
While publishing a review paper, some journals ask for Open Access charges and other offers "no page" charges... What is the difference between both of these terms...
01 January 1970 9,905 0 View
Is it advisable to compare BI (Bare soil Index) with the brightness component of Tasseled cap?
01 January 1970 6,220 2 View
Suggest me any of a single, a ratio or a combination for highlighting the soil in Landsat 7 imagery, without including the Thermal Band. And reason behind that band selection.
01 January 1970 341 8 View
I want to apply BI on Landsat 7 for the classification of soil in the scene, whats the core concept behind this index?
01 January 1970 8,951 4 View
I want to classify the bare soil from Landsat 7 images, which is the most suitable index for this: BI, NDBI (builtup), NDSI (soil) or any other? What are the benefits?
01 January 1970 8,259 4 View
When to classify soils from a Landsat 7 scene... Bare soil indices like BI (bare soil index) or NDSI (soil index)... Whats the difference between these two? Or any indices similar to these?
01 January 1970 2,238 2 View
Can we compare T-cap brightness with NDBI or any other soil index? Or how can we check the accuracy of Tasseled cap brightness? and if we are missing out the reference data...
01 January 1970 4,086 1 View
I want to calculate Co-efficient of determination (R^2) for the images of NDVI and T-cap brightness. Which software give easy and best results: SPSS, ENVI, MATLAB And what will be the input files...
01 January 1970 2,197 4 View
What type of soil properties are exploit by using brightness component of T-cap and Bare soil index: (Rikimaru, A., Roy, P.S., Miyatake, S.,2002.Tropical forest cover density mapping....
01 January 1970 3,001 3 View
While performing Confusion matrix, how much does it effect the utilization of background data as a class in it? Should it be used while generating the overall accuracy or not?
01 January 1970 1,726 4 View
Recently i have completed my thesis and i want to publish a research paper out of it. As it can be published as an research article or also as a letter. What is a preferable form for submission to...
01 January 1970 934 29 View
I have explored Earthexplorer to download Landsat 7 surface reflectance (SR) products, where i get the option of Spectral indices (EVI, i chose), the downloaded data (rar file) has band-wise data...
01 January 1970 4,547 7 View
I have downloaded Landsat 7 surface reflectance products, How to use that in the calculation of EVI? and What should be the range of values in output
01 January 1970 912 13 View
I am currently working on a Remote Sensing and satellite imagery + software base research topic and my aim is to write a review paper on that. I am unable to define which type of review analysis...
01 January 1970 3,637 3 View
If research data is more concerned with the descriptive outlook, what type of review analysis suits with this?
01 January 1970 8,902 3 View
As I am new to this technique, I need a basic guideline for this topic. Even in terms of papers for this. Suggest any of the RS books on this.
01 January 1970 7,010 2 View