6 Questions 4 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Atilio Reyes Romero
I am doing molecular modeling about macrocycles in drug discovery and I was wondering if a specific database where natural and drug-like ones are deposited. The idea consists in comparing their...
04 April 2017 8,765 4 View
I have an enzyme that has NADH. I don't know which form (protonated or not) is bound to the protein or if the co-factor is inside the enzyme. How is possible to determine these forms? Any hits to...
01 January 2017 9,570 0 View
I am pretty new in the field of protein purification. Normally I use AHT (anhydrotetracycline) to induce E coli BLR strain and p-ask-IBA3 as vector. Is there any difference between using BLR and...
12 December 2016 7,545 4 View
I would like to get the binding energy of water molecules. Does anybody know a free software or a way to do it (such as is pymol)?
10 October 2016 3,398 0 View
What I normally do is get the protein primary sequence from the PDB and I order the right sequence of the DNA from the company. Any suggestion/tutorial?
09 September 2016 7,674 4 View
I need to merge two molecules and optimize interactions. I have Pymol, Jchem package from chemaxon and Babel as softwares.
09 September 2016 9,155 4 View