4 Questions 5 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Arup Ray
What are the thicknesses of each of metal layer 1 to metal layer 6 in 180 nm CMOS Ip6M? Also what are the thicknesses of each of the oxide layer separating them and the silicon layer at the end?...
10 April 2016 4,880 3 View
Assume the probability of each relay being closed is p and that each relay is open or closed independently of other relay. What is the probability that current flows from L to R?
14 August 2015 8,738 3 View
In the following figure of an equivalent TX line model is there any mutual inductance between the inductors?
22 May 2015 6,100 11 View
What signal is it modulating ? What if I directly send a high frequency signal? I want to ask that when I am doing measurements in the microwave range what is the small frequency signal and what...
06 May 2015 2,485 3 View