4 Questions 23 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Arshad Ali
Generally, we use a term anomaly for an REE when it shows enrichment/depletion with respect to its neighbours such as the famous one is Europium (Eu) anomaly having Samarium (Sm) on its left side...
22 October 2018 7,256 9 View
Recently, I have started using ICDD software for peak identification in XRD spectra. Given a comprehensive nature of ICDD database, I receive a very long list of minerals once do the "auto...
20 February 2017 3,198 3 View
I assume that apatite mineral in the lunar material is reacting with HCl at 75 degrees when I leach samples to remove any terrestrial contamination. The reason for this assumption is that...
25 November 2014 1,509 5 View
Are we nearing to climax of the Climate Change or the worst is yet to come? How fast the wind gusts could be in worst case scenario? How high the water level could be in case of strongest of the...
01 January 1970 7,079 6 View