3 Questions 8 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Arne K. Albrecht
The situation is as follows: I have a dependent variable (Y), measured on a scale from 1 to 11 I have an independent variable (X) with possible values from 0 to 6 I have a dichotomous moderator...
02 February 2016 8,415 9 View
Usually descriptive norms are measured in the fashion that individuals are asked something along the lines “how do people from a certain group behave?” For example how much do your friends drink...
02 February 2016 5,735 7 View
Hallo Everybody, Do you know of any (psychological) theory that basically claims: If I have something or receive something, I might consider it less valuable if I find out that other people have...
01 January 2016 5,399 4 View