14 Questions 47 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Arjav Bavarva
In Matlab, many blocks have parameter called seed. What is it? What if we change this parameter? Can anyone explain in detail please?
03 March 2015 3,744 5 View
I connect serial tx pin no 18 to RS232 converter and give it to PC. Hyperterminal should display transmitted string but it is not coming. RS232 is working as I checked loopback. Atmega is also...
03 March 2015 5,167 12 View
Any research work that is implemented on commercial base........
02 February 2015 1,168 0 View
Can any one tell me which algorithm is used for video compression in wsn? What is the compression rate?
02 February 2015 1,083 7 View
If I would like to simulate wireless multimedia sensor network, what are the various parameters I need to to set? For instance, channel bandwidth, signal bandwidth, different protocols on various...
02 February 2015 4,757 8 View
Kindly fill up the survey form that is available on given link. Workshop will be conducted by famous experts. Venue is Gujarat, India. More information is given into the form.
01 January 2015 8,550 2 View
Ergodic is related to wireless channel state information and somewhat related to time. Can anyone mention the definition of it and its mathematical expression?
01 January 2015 523 5 View
How can I create a MIMO block diagram to design MIMO system model? It would be more beneficial if MU-MIMO (Multi user multiple input multiple output) system model is available.
01 January 2015 2,759 5 View
I have heard that installation of EvalVid is difficult in Ubuntu. So, I tried to find the source for Windows 7 but couldn't find it.
12 December 2014 5,701 2 View
I tried to download from following link http://www2.tkn.tu-berlin.de/research/evalvid/fw.html But, after that what to do? How exactly evalvid works? I am unable to find any help from youtube even.
12 December 2014 1,355 0 View
Can any one provide real audio traffic tcl file? I have found on net but all those having an errors. I also tried to replace CBR by RealAudio which also gives an error. In RealAudio.cc file I...
12 December 2014 3,447 0 View
How VMIMO works and how it differs from CMIMO? How we calculate the capacity and data rate of VMIMO system?
11 November 2014 9,059 1 View
In most of the books authors write that WSN has narrow bandwidth but what exactly the size of bandwidth in WSN? How much bandwidth is required for different WSN applications?
08 August 2014 5,923 4 View
Considering researching wireless sensor networks. Which software is the best for that?
06 June 2013 5,217 23 View