5 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Antwoine Flowers
I've isolated primary microglia using magnetic microbeads, however the cells I've isolated don't seem to be growing very well. So, i'm cautious about how useful they would be in experiments,...
07 July 2014 1,728 13 View
I am analyzing PCR arrays for several pathways in neural stem cells at about 84 genes each. The only software I've seen available for pathway analysis is Ingenuity which is 500 dollars per report....
12 December 2013 8,619 1 View
Upon treatment the cells differentiate to neurons within 48 hours. Is there a method to delay this response long enough to complete treatment and isolation for RNA extraction?
12 December 2013 3,328 0 View
I am looking to measure TCF/LEF vs FOXO activation by beta catenin and would like to use q rt PCR but I don't know what the standard target genes are that I could reliably probe for.
09 September 2013 1,805 3 View
I am performing an experiment where i am insulting neurons with h2o2 for different time points which vary based on how long the h202 is actually active in the culture.
08 August 2013 7,072 0 View