8 Questions 18 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ankur Jyoti Saikia
With due respect, I would hereby request the scientific brethren to provide me a formula with examples to calculate the "impact" or "degree of impact" of alien invasive plant species in the...
20 June 2018 9,498 9 View
Can anyone from the researcher community provide me a list of plants serving as hosts for epiphytic species of the genus Ficus?
14 August 2017 7,802 2 View
Would any of my brethren from the researcher community throw some light on the procedures/ methods for preparation of herbaria specimens of members of the Order Zingiberales?
22 March 2017 3,123 7 View
Can any one from the scientific community provide me details/ description of protologue of Drosera burmanni Vahl. Symb. iii: 50. 1974; Wight, Ic. T. 944. 1845? Also please clear me if it is...
04 August 2016 7,444 2 View
As per Kumar (2009) (please see attachmnet no. 1), "Ringal is a widely distributed shrub found in the temperate regions of Garhwal Himalaya. It is a non-timber forest produce (NTFP) harvested...
28 July 2016 6,969 9 View
I request brethren from the research and academic community to answer the following question. What is the procedure of writing a manuscript (article/ note/ short communication, whatever it be!)...
27 July 2016 5,765 18 View
Is the oral dosage of Oxcarbezepine in extended release form of 450mg helpful in a 50+ aged female with arachnoid cyst in right cerecral hemisphere?
03 March 2016 9,299 4 View
Is there any scope of work with respect to flowering in flowering of Dendrocalamus gianteus?
08 February 2016 8,145 4 View