10 Questions 13 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ankita Mukherjee
What are the differences between capillary pressure and interfacial tension in the context of multiphase flow in porous media? I understand that capillary pressure is the pressure at the interface...
03 March 2019 6,762 4 View
What are the equations used for studying heat transfer in a porous media? I am working with COMSOL Mukltiphysics. i have considered a compressible fluid flow within the porous media which is a...
01 January 2019 7,219 7 View
I need some good books or online courses pertaining to fluid flow in porous media?
01 January 2018 6,965 7 View
Can anyone please name softwares used for basin scale modeling where one can build a reservoir on the basis of given area and lithology with depth?
01 January 2018 7,552 2 View
In CO2 sequestration studies we usually see CO2 viscosity to be lower than that of brine. Is it possible that CO2 viscosity is higher in any study?
06 June 2017 7,029 4 View
What are the difference between charring and pyrolysis? In some materials I find char combustion involves O2 and in some it is absent and the same for pyrolysis.
02 February 2017 8,493 0 View
In case of an uncertainty analysis say we perform DoE, analysing which we get optimization of the given parameters. How are we supposed to interpret uncertainty analysis with that result? What are...
12 December 2016 3,992 14 View
Suppose we have to inject CO2 within a deep geological formation, we have overburden and pore pressures given. How do we decide the maximum pressure which the formation can allow to rise without...
01 January 2016 2,534 4 View
Main purpose is disinfecting water by using silver or or other metal/ non metal coated nanoparticles
03 March 2015 546 6 View
Can anyone let me know the steps for calibration of pressure transducers to a Data Acquisition System with the software Benchlink Data logger 3?
01 January 1970 6,119 4 View