8 Questions 11 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Andrew R Garcia
Several of the methods to do this are explained in a rather involved way; could somebody simplify / give us a basic idea of how to use these methods and how they work? P.S. Please don't say...
03 March 2018 8,568 1 View
From the definition of Sauter mean diameter in the below link: http://www.thermopedia.com/content/1108/ Can we assume the variance to be in the following form?: variance = (d_64)^2 - (d_32)^2 OR,...
05 May 2015 2,441 4 View
Is there any analytical way of estimating the viscosity of a ferrofluid (iron oxide) without the use of a rheometer [no magnetic field also]? I tried surveying the literature, but the papers on...
12 December 2014 2,333 7 View
The capillary number as it relates to Sir G.I. Taylor's publications on emulsions, where Ca=F http://rspa.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/146/858/501
11 November 2014 9,496 1 View
If the two oils can be mixed uniformly, will the new viscosity be an average of the two? Will the relation be linear? non-linear?
11 November 2014 7,313 4 View
[See attached figure] There is a significant gap between the propellers and the cylinder (figure 2) and we want to elucidate the velocity profile at this gap and the bottom of the cylinder. Is it...
10 October 2014 5,440 5 View
Note that these HLB values show greater affinity towards an oil phase relative to an aqueous phase
10 October 2014 3,206 10 View
I've been trying to get the correct theoretical peak positions [vertical lines] when doing Rietveld refinement for my material. My material is MIL53ht. I have input all lattice parameters in...
01 January 1970 4,036 7 View