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Questions related from Amir Abolhassani
Imagine that I have a regression model equation as, Y= B0 + B1X1 + B2X2 + B3X3 + B4X4 + e Where, X1 is a variable with continuous value X2 is a categorical variable at two levels such as...
13 December 2020 4,638 8 View
There are 11 predictors, combination of continuous and categorical variables. The response is a continuous variable and there isn’t any multicollinearity between variables, all VIFs are lower than...
29 December 2017 767 4 View
I'm going to develop a casual relationship model for productivity in a specific domain based on some data points, 680 observations during 10 years. I was wondering what method do I need to use,...
11 July 2017 8,628 2 View
Hello, I have a kind of productivity measure that was plotted for American and Japanese companies through the seven years. This plot shows the American companies have slightly higher value, less...
21 June 2017 1,912 4 View
There are some two-way interaction of factors (two) with three levels each and 10 continuous variables. What shall I do if few two-way interactions are not significant at one levels and...
01 August 2016 585 4 View
I was wondering if I can use the linear/nonlinear multiple regression to test the hypotheses if there is a positive/negative relation between the dependents and independent variables instead of...
22 March 2016 8,574 6 View
I have 623 observations with one continuous dependent variable and 13 independent variables (continuous, categorical, and ordinal), defined based on researcher experience and literature review. I...
30 November 2015 6,038 9 View
I have a conceptual question related to fuzzy logic method. I have a fuzzy environment and planning to use a fuzzy logic method to define/develop a productivity measure. However, I’m confused...
01 January 1970 1,812 2 View
What is the right way of interpreting the relation between Y & X in the following graphs? I have calculated the Pearson and Spearman correlation. However, they are significant, but the correlation...
01 January 1970 6,916 4 View