7 Questions 15 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Alok Kumar Singh
I have been using Dynabead protein-G for immunoprecipitation of my target protein in a mix of antigen from two different protein samples. My target protein X is supposed to bind to the protein Y...
21 November 2016 6,712 4 View
These plasmids are accessible through AIDS Reagent Program. These are: 1. pNL4-3 and 2. HIV-1 HXB3/BaL Infectious Molecular Clone (pWT/BaL). I assume that these plasmid encoded viruses will be...
22 September 2016 4,335 3 View
Any suggestion that the amino acids will lead to any detrimental change on differentiation of monocytes in to macrophages in conjunction with recombinant M-CSF?
11 July 2016 4,501 3 View
I am trying to optimize Taqman based qRT-PCR and p24 based ELISA to determine the viral titer for HIV-1 in macrophages exposed to HIV-1 BaL. Is there any established protocol for TCID determination?
11 July 2016 10,033 2 View
I have been trying to optimize the viral transduction protocol macrophage like THP-1 cells (PMA activated). I am not sure of the time period for which I should allow the virus exposure to cells?...
11 July 2016 1,174 3 View
In a mammalian cell line, autophagy is induced with respect to control cells, still the level of beclin-1 is very similar in both conditions, where a particular inducer of autophagy was used to...
15 July 2014 7,807 2 View
Leishmania GP63 has been on of the prime proteolytic virulence factor that is known to targets a wide range of substrates that include several phosphatases that are crucial in MAPK signalling and...
07 June 2014 300 0 View