9 Questions 8 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Alexander Chamessian
I'm looking for a pan-nuclear antibody for mouse. I've tried a LaminA/C antibody and it works, but there is differential expression amongst the cells in my tissue section. I'd like something that...
01 January 2018 7,708 2 View
Rookie question here: In slice electrophysiology, if you're recording from a postsynaptic neuron and you perfuse a drug, how do you determine whether the effect of the drug is directly on the...
02 February 2017 8,368 4 View
Hi all, I have a question about the von Frey assay (or really, any nociceptive assay where multiple animals are in close spatial proximity). I am using both male and female mice now, rather than...
05 May 2016 8,465 7 View
Hi, I'm wanting to build some new AAV vectors using a widely used backbone such as this from the Deisseroth lab: https://www.addgene.org/26976/ I have two questions. First, I want to remove...
05 May 2016 9,487 5 View
I want to add calcium imaging (of dissociated neurons in a dish) to my repertoire of skills. I'm seeking a good introductory learning resource that has very practical info to help me execute my...
05 May 2016 3,727 3 View
I am interested in the calmodulin interactions with its target peptides. One synthetic target peptide is M13, which is the basis for many GECIs such as GCaMP. My question is, in the...
05 May 2016 9,058 2 View
I'm beginning NGS library preps in my lab and I want to do everything correctly. My question now is about different sets of pipettors for different points in the workflow. We will have a dedicated...
03 March 2016 3,294 6 View
It is a very common procedure to transcardially perfuse mice and rats with 4% PFA, and then dissect out the tissues. Formaldehyde (and PFA) is a known carcinogen, and all the safety material says...
02 February 2016 8,743 2 View
I want to selectively knockdown some genes in specific neuronal populations using AAV in a Cre-dependent manner. FLEX or DIO vector are used often for transgene expression in this manner, but I...
10 October 2015 1,388 1 View