10 Questions 13 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Alex Chris
From what I have learned, when conducting subgroup moderator analyses in meta analysis (Hunter-Schmidt), the confidence intervals may overlap slightly but there may still be significant...
25 April 2019 408 6 View
What is the best way to test for outliers and publication bias when conducting a meta analysis in the Hunter Schmidt tradition?
28 December 2017 8,353 2 View
I am reading Schmidt and Hunter - Methods of Meta-Analysis 3rd Edition to try and understand the theory behind meta-analysis. In chapter 3 they state the following: "To eliminate the effect of...
01 August 2017 2,695 4 View
According to self determination theory, the three psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness can be satisfied by the context or by behaviours in which individuals engage. Is...
19 October 2015 6,075 6 View
If a theory proposes that x relates to y but there are so many moderating variables, that when considered, the relationship between x and y becomes non-significant, does it make sense to argue...
28 September 2015 4,002 7 View
1. Why do the residuals need to be normal when conducting multilevel modeling? 2. I conducted a square root transformation on my dependent variable to normalize the residuals. However, the data...
16 September 2014 4,976 6 View
What is the justification for using a sum score instead of an average, specifically when assessing constructs such as workplace incivility or OCBs which consists of various discrete behaviours?
20 August 2014 1,457 7 View
I am analyzing data from a diary study (multilevel modeling) and based on previous research I want to person-mean center my predictor variables. One of my predictors is work-family conflict (WFC)...
11 June 2014 8,030 8 View
I am conducting a cross-level interaction. How can I examine whether the residuals are normally distributed using either SPSS or R?
02 June 2014 4,880 3 View
I am examining the effect of daily work-family conflict on daily enacted incivility. None of my data is normally distributed. 1) Do your predictors and criterion need to be normally distributed...
30 May 2014 4,865 5 View