4 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Alberto Paolo Tonda
I am comparing different machine learning techniques for learning dynamical systems (e.g. a system of ordinary differential equations), and so far I've used Long-Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTM)...
30 June 2020 3,797 5 View
Imagine you have a sequence of models, for example each one being an equation (or a system of equations): they are connected to each other so that the outputs of a model are used as inputs for one...
17 March 2016 1,096 3 View
In regular EAs, a stopping criteria often used in practice is stagnation: if the fitness value of the best individual in the population does not improve for a given number of generations, the...
06 May 2013 7,239 8 View
I was wondering whether there are studies on problems that present solutions composed by a permutation of elements and some non-combinatorial part, such as a set of real values, where both parts...
14 September 2012 5,303 5 View