9 Questions 25 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Akram Al-Hourani
Regardless of technological limitations, and regardless of the receiver's ability to extract this information. Is there a maximum limit on how much information can be encoded in a photon ? Thank...
30 June 2016 3,487 13 View
I am trying to find the cumulative distribution function of the the random variable (X), where X is defined as the following: X = Sum ( B_k * k^-2 , {k,1,Infinity} ), where B_k is a vector of...
15 May 2015 2,571 3 View
When it comes to Poisson Point Process, it is a straightforward task to formulate the contact distance distribution of a point located at the origin. However, I am wondering if there is a similar...
13 November 2014 7,589 7 View
When performing analytical math on random graphs and point processes we usually tend to assume infinite sets, that is in order to enhance the tractability. However in practical systems and...
06 November 2014 3,860 3 View
In wireless sensor networks, if we know the geometrical distribution process of nodes, can we calculate the expected energy cost to transmit a packet from point (A) to point (B) via other other...
07 August 2014 5,714 21 View
It is customary to model the noise when calculating the SINR as a constant value. i.e. SINR = P / (I + N), where (P) the desired signal modelled as random variable, (I) is the interference also...
06 August 2014 3,877 10 View
Due to the high complexity level in wireless networks, researchers tend to perform simulations to test and prove their protocols and ideas. How important are the results obtained from such...
15 May 2014 7,796 14 View
Why Major channel models such as WINNIER II, ITU, etc. depend on log-distance equation to model the signal pathloss (the average attenuation of the signal), according to the equation:...
07 May 2014 919 8 View
I am looking for a free software for performing Radio Frequency (not optical) ray tracing simulation that can predict Path Loss in Outdoor and Indoor environments. Some commercial products are...
03 January 2014 4,427 4 View