19 Questions 37 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Adnan Qadir
Dear experts: I want to take Hirshfeld surface for two components of disorder for my complex. Can I use Olex2 to get component1 cif by deleting the disordered atoms from parent compound in Olex2...
05 July 2023 5,222 2 View
Dear Friends: I have a disordered compound of two components and I need to compare their percentage of contacts using crystal explorer.I used cyclic disorder highlight to get each component of...
28 June 2023 8,689 0 View
Dear Friends: What is the best software for analyzing weak interactions on coordination compounds supramolecular to be involved in an article. Please give us some details. Best, Adnan M. Qadir
24 June 2021 5,670 11 View
Dear Friends: Do all Cu(II) complexes display Fenton Like behavior? I mean both neutral and ionic Cu(II) complexes show degrading abilities against organic dyes in the presence of hydrogen...
06 June 2021 826 2 View
Dear All: I have prepared single crystals of Hg(II) complex, but the R(int) was a bit high because the crystals were thin, so could you please recommend a method to increase the thickness o f the...
11 January 2021 8,618 13 View
Dear Friends: 64 bit Gaussian 09 software for windows is more expensive than 32-bit Gaussian 09. In our work, we deal with coordination compounds with about 50 atoms. So, can we use 32-bit...
28 December 2020 3,120 2 View
Dear Friends: kindly, what is the advantage of 64-bit Gaussian 09 compared to 32-bit Gaussian 09? Best,
25 December 2020 6,974 4 View
Kindly, can anyone explain the difference in nanoparticles size obtained from powder X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. If they are different, what does that refer to?
04 December 2019 9,216 4 View
Hi, If we have a single crystal of compound containing phenyl group, shall we expect rotation of phenyl group around itself and does it effect the geometry of the compound.
04 July 2019 7,414 1 View
I have got a SEM image for my nanoparticle (attached). How can I classify it or name the morphology.
10 February 2019 6,465 1 View
If tap water was used to prepare nanoparticles, what would be the effect. for example, does it affect the aggregation or the time required for the NPs formation.
26 January 2019 5,086 5 View
Dear all: Can we measure NMR spectra for Cu(II) complex even with high resolution NMR devices?
14 December 2018 5,191 1 View
Can we use linear dichroism for non chiral molecules? Circular dichroism id used for chiral molecules, but can we use chiral or non chiral molecules in linear dichroism and why?
02 February 2018 3,892 5 View
Dear friends: For isotropic situation, when molecules in solution oriented in one direction, what is the possible direction for electronic transition vectors? Regards
24 January 2018 4,425 0 View
Hi: How would soluble copper leached from CuO-NPs induce the generation of ROS?
29 September 2017 8,604 2 View
We would like to prepare schiff base from ethylenediamine and 4-chlorobenzaldehyde in MeOH.
25 April 2017 5,527 3 View
The 13C NMR for dimethylsulfoxide shows a signal at 39.7ppm, but we observed additional signals with low intensities.Why?
13 April 2017 1,609 3 View
We got a precipitate with very tiny dots or spots.Does it represent polycrystals?
10 April 2017 1,597 3 View
During recrystallization, some time the crystals stick to the bottom of the flask or beaker. So how could we collect them.
16 March 2017 5,046 3 View