5 Questions 20 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Aditya Kumar Mishra
Turbulence structure is described by the formation of eddies. Size of eddies vary based on the turbulence length scale ( (Kolmogrove, Reynold and Hinze). Smaller eddies describes intense...
02 August 2023 2,313 4 View
Wake formation has been largely observed behind objects in real use e.g pillars, vehicles, buses, cars and building. It has also been regions of large interest over decades. So the question here...
03 March 2023 4,361 4 View
In order to represent our observations or sight of a physical process and to further investigate it by conducting experiments or Numerically models? What are basics one need to focus ?...
24 October 2020 9,850 3 View
Are the usual methods like central difference which is widely used to model a diffusion dominant situation not likely to be fit for modeling convection dominated scenarios, as it produces spurious...
09 July 2014 6,442 7 View
Equations that involve two or more variables e.g Riemann's equations for fluid flow, or Navier Stokes equation(NSE) in general that have four variables including energy terms are highly coupled...
09 July 2014 1,234 7 View