4 Questions 3 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Adhithya Babu
1) What exactly is the definition of a control law and what is the difference between control laws and controllers in the context of aerospace vehicles ? 2) Is the use of the term flight control...
05 November 2021 7,042 3 View
For Actuator-In-Loop simulations, why are the rocket engine nozzles along with the thrust vector control assembly (including the actuators) kept inverted on a platform like in the attached image...
15 August 2020 8,917 2 View
Considering the powered descent guidance problem for a spacecraft or launch vehicle - Early publications by Acikmese, et.al. used lossless convexification to solve the landing guidance problem...
05 July 2020 4,100 3 View
The typical approach to designing flight control systems is to design an inner control loop to stabilize vehicle attitude and angular rates, while an outer loop tracks vehicle position. The reason...
24 February 2020 4,596 4 View