5 Questions 16 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Adam Pawlicz
Do you think these are pure synonyms or there is a substantial difference between those terms? Can you provide me some source where the difference is discussed?
01 January 2017 3,003 5 View
I need to compare quantitatively quality of usage of social media by different public units.
11 November 2016 2,768 3 View
There is abundance of literature regarding startup financing, rationale for public support etc. but I cannot find any source that explicite provide 'startup' definition.
05 May 2016 9,651 3 View
OECD provides general regulation indexes but they are of little help with measurment of regulation to the specific sector. I am particularly interested in tourism or service-related regulations...
04 April 2015 6,531 14 View
Can you suggest any literature that shows relationship between the account presence and number of social media friends to the trust. Many sharing economy platforms (BlaBlaCar, Airbnb etc.) connect...
01 January 1970 2,880 1 View