17 Questions 4 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Adam Jonson
What does it mean if the Mg:P ratio 40:1 in the struvite precipitation? and what does it mean N:P molar ratio 30:1 for struvite precipitation too. Are these ratio real? I think they are two high.
14 January 2024 9,053 1 View
Hello, I'm interested in exploring life cycle analysis for composting toilet, specifically focusing on various scenarios related to nutrient removal. Can you recommend any articles or provide...
12 December 2023 444 3 View
Hello, I'm interested in exploring life cycle analysis for septic tanks, specifically focusing on various scenarios related to nutrient removal. Can you recommend any articles or provide...
07 December 2023 6,865 1 View
In the case of a constant coefficient, where the VIF is greater than 10, what does that mean? Do all the variables in the model exhibit multicollinearity? How can multicollinearity be reduced?...
29 November 2023 3,827 3 View
I have a question from the literature: How does an irrigation rate of (96 mL/hr.) equal (8.5 L/m2.h) if I have a column of 125 mm in diameter and 2m long?
14 October 2023 8,103 1 View
What is the difference between the percentage of nutrient recovery and nutrient removal achieved by the struvite precipitation technology?
09 August 2023 9,643 4 View
If the Molar Ratio of struvite Mg2+:NH4+:PO4 is (1.6:1:1.2), how can I calculate the molar ratio of Mg:P and N:P? Thank you very much
03 August 2023 1,300 1 View
How can I calculate the molar ratio of Mg:P and N:P from the concentrations available in the attached table? Thank you
03 August 2023 2,667 2 View
I would like to use three machine learning models in my study, and I would like to know what the difference is between them. These models are K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Random Forest (RF), and...
02 August 2023 4,962 7 View
My question about the struvite precipitation (MgNH4PO4): Is the molar ratio of Mg:P the same as Mg: PO4, and N:P the same as NH4:PO4? Otherwise, Do I have to make any calculations when I convert...
28 July 2023 6,373 5 View
Hello Everyone, I have a question about how I can convert 1 Liter of septic sludge to kg. Also, what is the total solids (%) of septic sludge? Thank you very much
16 March 2023 8,407 0 View
How can I calculate the amount of magnesium, ammonium, and phosphate ions present in the digestate of coffee waste. I checked different literature review but I couldn't find these information.
12 January 2023 7,967 4 View
I am estimating the mass balance for the organic waste of different feedstocks using the anaerobic digester and the struvite precipitation reactor. How can I use the math algorithms to estimate...
12 January 2023 8,034 2 View
Hello Everyone, I would like to know how to calculate the amount of adding MgO in a struvite precipitation reactor. Thank you very much
11 January 2023 6,651 1 View
Hello Everyone, I have a question: what is the difference between the struvite in wastewater and struvite precipitation recovery for different organic wastes such as animal manure and swine...
08 November 2022 3,424 2 View
In the attached research article, the COD unit is g/day. How can I convert it to g/L? See (Table 7) in the attached file. Thank you very much
03 August 2022 3,623 1 View
Hello Everyone, I am currently conducting a sensitivity analysis for a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study and have encountered an intriguing issue. During the analysis, I observed an inconsistent...
01 January 1970 9,430 3 View