15 Questions 88 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Abhay Pratap Singh
Dear All, I'm working on the projections of Global mean temperature change (observed data obtained from NOAA, 1959-2018) based on green house gas emissions. For this, I have tested several...
10 October 2019 8,954 3 View
Dear Researchers, I'm exploring the relationship(or a statistical model) between global change in temperature and CO2 concentration levels. If we analyse data from 1970-2017 for CO2 and temp,...
10 October 2018 4,373 71 View
Dear Researchers, I want to build a statistical model(predictive) for explaining Heating degree days (HDDs), so I just was wondering if you could help me out finding the appropriate...
09 September 2018 422 6 View
Dear Researchers, I have a single point for my parameter as a prior information and 26 data points as current data-set. How can I incorporate that point(/single point prior value) while doing...
08 August 2018 8,681 6 View
Dear All, I’m working on a research problem which is been handled by using simple linear regression previously, where predictor is time varying. I want a comparison of this existing model with...
08 August 2018 4,297 5 View
Dear Researchers, I'm designing an interdisciplinary study (with Public heath, Statistics, Psychology etc) on diseases, stigma, discrimination, mental health and quality of life. So I'm a bit...
05 May 2018 6,150 30 View
Can we use control variables like (age, gender, education, or other categorical, demographic variables etc...) along with other constructs(endogenous variables) while running/testing SEM-PLS...
04 April 2018 959 3 View
People usually say that the number greater than any assignable quantity is infinity and probably same in the case of -ve ∞. We are dealing with infinity ∞ in our mathematical or statistical...
02 February 2018 2,180 24 View
Can we model stress. Just curious about it. (keeping in mind that this is the era of artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science and so on)... Can we have a predictive model on stress...
12 December 2017 3,939 3 View
Hello Everyone,I'm recently going through few papers related to Financial Inclusion, Econometrics, Inclusive Growth and Entrepreneurship and trying to study gender based discrimination in SMEs and...
08 August 2017 8,242 2 View
Dear All,Please recommend any recent and chronological research literature on reproducibility go psychological research. #Statistical Analysis, Modelling Best Regards,Abhay
06 June 2017 8,060 0 View
Actually, we are modelling on media research/data,where we are mostly dealing with Media/market mix modeling. Having said that media data is "S" shaped & hence preferring logit transformation...
08 August 2016 849 4 View
Hi All, I have ran many SEMs & found the impact of granular level variable on to end final dependent. But this time I'm looking into the scores/vector of a formative construct (made by say 4...
07 July 2016 9,288 5 View
Least square estimates are not robust, So is there any other technique which is used to compute robust estimate in Regression.What about C-M and S- Estimates ?
03 March 2016 2,275 4 View
Dear All, Is there any method/creteria to standardize regression coefficients coming from different regressions. OR We want to compare regression beta's coming from two different regressions.
10 October 2015 623 8 View