16 Questions 41 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Abdul Sattar
I designed and developed a domain ontology for solid waste collection management and have OWL/RDF version of my OntoWM domain ontology. Can I use quantitative or qualitative method to evaluate the...
06 March 2021 8,483 6 View
In a database, the primary key is used to provide unique identification of a row or tuple. How to provide unique identification of triples in domain ontologies?
03 December 2020 5,338 0 View
There are the following well-known ontology evaluation methods of computational ontology 1. Evaluation by Human 2. Evaluation using ontology-based Application 3. Data-driven evaluation 4. The Gold...
20 November 2020 3,187 1 View
1.IsaViz, 2.Apollo, 3.SWOOP, 4.WebProtege
17 November 2020 1,917 11 View
Is it better to use a predefined methodology? or design own methodology according to the domain, size of ontology, number of participants, the technical level of participants, deadline of the...
15 November 2020 8,150 4 View
Is there any software to convert a domain ontology coded/designed using English Language to Malay Language?
10 November 2020 5,773 4 View
It is not feasible to store transactional data in ontologies. when the size of data will grow, the number of triples in the ontology will be in million or trillion. Due to the un-structured file...
04 November 2020 8,962 3 View
Modeling of entities (endurants) is enough. Why do researchers need to model perdurants in domain ontologies? I guess, there is no difference between the following two way of modeling domain...
31 October 2020 5,475 3 View
A combination of Relational Databases and data endpoints using API is a good alternate to ontologies. It will save trillions of dollars and decades of researchers. Combination of Relational...
29 October 2020 5,469 2 View
for storing processes/perdurants/actions/activity, I need to store the same information again and again. In database, we just need to refer ID in the child table from the parent table. For...
29 October 2020 8,336 0 View
I had modeled processes in my ontology like sale, purchase, etc. I want to implement these modeling constructs in OWL or RDF or any other semantic language. Can anybody suggest any language for...
25 October 2020 9,278 6 View
How to convert a Mysql database to domain ontology? Is there any reliable tool that creates concepts, properties, restrictions, etc. ?
24 October 2020 6,593 6 View
I am designing a domain ontology for the Waste Management Domain, Can anybody suggest a mature, well-documented, and widely accepted methodology for ontology designing and development? Thanks
21 October 2020 3,136 20 View
we can do the same functionality with the help of database (Oracle/SQL Server/My sql), why ontology? after millions of triples, ontology access time will reach to un-acceptable level, then why...
19 October 2020 3,514 16 View
Is it possible to create Knowledge Graph without creating ontology (conceptualization domain of discourse) ?
15 October 2020 3,261 1 View
Hi, I have a text with the names of 27 football players. I want to create an ontology of this text automatically, with concepts player, team, captain, goalkeeper, and so forth. is there any...
04 October 2020 2,668 11 View