Publishing your research in scholarly journals: a street fighter's guide by Richard Croucher (2015)  Amazon Books, £7.

would anyone like to review my book published today and available from Amazon?

The purpose of this short book is to help all those interested in publishing their research in scholarly journals or who are already doing that and wish to improve their performance. It draws on my personal experience over many years as an editor of scholarly journals, a member of the British Journal of Management’s editorial board, and as the author of over seventy articles in American and European journals. I have ten years’ experience as Director of Research in a large British business school and therefore read and comment on colleagues’ articles on a regular basis. I have published work in business and management, law, education, history and sociology. The book will be especially useful to those people who research in social science, business and management, law, education or history. I provide a systematic and practical set of advice and tips in a grounded way based on my experience and taking a pragmatic rather than a purist approach: hence ‘a street fighter’s guide’

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