not due to the fact that driving autonomously will only be when you have to drive for long periods and monotonous journeys, which will reduce the danger and accidents but in short and pleasant journeys you can use the manual cuddling and enjoy that pleasure
Complicated question. First, because much driving is hardly pleasurable anymore. Think in terms of heavy, stop-and-go traffic, even when on long trips. Also, because in principle, autonomous driving could be a pure thrill. It all depends how we postulate autonomous driving. If we reserve certain roadways, or certain lanes of a road, only to autonomous driving, taking away the human unpredictability, cars could travel much faster, much closer together, making more effective use of the road.
It could be seen as a different experience entirely, from manual driving. In many cases, not all cases perhaps, it could be more pleasurable.
The autonomous driver cars can not completely substitute the manually driven cars. This may be an ultimate goal. Hybrid driven cars may be more realistic goal for the next time.