I'm exploring potential synergies between fishing and oceanic warming. I have found that whilst the average thermal reaction norm of fish in the two periods (pre and post fishing) remains the same, the diversity of individual thermal reaction norms is much reduced post fishing. The distribution of thermal reaction norms over the two periods is very similar to that expected under stabilising selection.

All the literature I have found to date on the topic focusses on the population-level manifestation of fishing and climate (e.g. fishing increasing the sensitivity of recruitment to environmental variation due to age truncation). I'm thinking the pattern I observe at the individual level might be caused by some sort of density-dependent trait optimisation whereby in the pre fishery period biotic processes (i.e. competition) dominate, whereas after the onset of fishing, competition is reduced and abiotic factors dominate. Could someone suggest any relevant literature in the marine or terrestrial realms that deals with thermal (or other) traits in this context?

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