Nearly all those today who could be letting themselves genuinely be inspired by both old and new philosophy on a fairly meaningful level are too busy trying to further their own careers by bowing to the dictatorship of peer-reviewed journals in order to impress their self-important bosses or senior researchers in their field who won’t ever give a fig what they think, do or write.
Nearly all those today who could be letting themselves genuinely be inspired by both old and new philosophy on a fairly meaningful level are too busy trying to further their own careers by bowing to the dictatorship of peer-reviewed journals in order to impress their self-important bosses or senior researchers in their field who won’t ever give a fig what they think, do or write.
Lamentablemente muchos creen que no es útil al no verse como algo aplicable cuando en realidad la filosofía está en todo pensamiento crítico y analítico.
" Unfortunately, many believe that it is not useful because it is not seen as applicable when in reality philosophy is in all critical and analytical thinking"
Por um lado, o pensamento científico substituiu a especulação filosófica e, por outro, a própria filosofia não tem tido a capacidade de competir com saberes paralelos como a sociologia, a ciência política e tantas outras especialidades, que tem sua base na Filosofia. Então, na verdade, a filosofia continua tendo sua importância enquanto fundamento de outras "ciências". Nesse sentido, podemos dizer que a Filosofia da Ciência encontra um papel de bastante relevo na atualidade.
Muhammad Hamza This question can be considered in several ways. In particular, I note that, on the one hand, scientific thinking has replaced philosophical speculation as the source of knowledge. We see, for example, the advancement of psychology and neuroscience offering answers to questions that were once the subject of major philosophical debate. Admittedly, the scientific response itself is also liable to error, controversy and evolution due to new discoveries, but it is a structure of thought and research that has provided security for major social and technological advances, so it has gained much. respect in the industrialized world.
On the other hand, philosophy is present in the human and social sciences as the foundation of the most diverse scientific questions. After all, moral philosophy offers debates that give rise to research of great social and political interest. So, in a sense, philosophy continues to have its importance as the foundation of other "sciences."
Finally, we have the field known and structured as Philosophy of Science, which finds a very relevant role today, due to what has been said before.
Conclusion: The philosophical field remains very relevant, whether dealing with science or serving as the foundation of other sciences.