07 October 2019 3 995 Report

For Mann Whitney U results I have computed the pearson's r (cohen) as an effect size as advised by (Fritz, C. O., Morris, P. E., & Richler, J. J. (2012). " Effect size estimates: Current use, calculations, and interpretation"

Since the sampling distribution of Pearson's r is not normally distributed, Pearson's r is converted to Fisher's z' and the confidence interval is computed using Fisher's z'.

as shown here: http://davidmlane.com/hyperstat/B27932.html

However, for my first result examining group differences on social cognition

Group 1 (Mdn=12; IQR=3.5) & Group 2 (Mdn=12, 1QR=0).

The mann whitney result was U=75, P=0.017, r=0.28 (medium effect size).

When I use the Fishers z conversion method I get r 95% confidence intervals of lower limit -0.082 to upper limit 0.203.

1. As I understand it if your confidence interval crosses 0 your p value should be not significant?

2. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong here or why an incongruent result like this may arise?

3. Is there any other options that would give similar info to confidence intervals for cohens r that are more straightforward to calculate?

( I am only trained in SPSS)

Thanks very much in advance for any help,

Best wishes,


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