01 January 1970 0 8K Report

According to the theory of gravity: the gravity between the Sun and the Moon is almost twice that of the Earth and the Moon.


Gravity between the Moon and the Earth (150000000 × 150000000 × 384400k)/330000

It is greater than the gravity between the moon and the sun.

More than the square of the distance from the earth to the sun.

k is greater than 1.

This formula is not complete and is only for comparison.

In space, the gravity formula is related to the core of space objects. It has nothing to do with crime

Unfortunately, I cannot explain easily now.

I write very briefly.

1- The moon is inside the rings of the earth.

The moons and rocks around the earth are either children of the earth or adopted children of the earth.

As a result, the core of the moon takes its power from the core of the earth.

The reason is related to the kernel. Coming soon with the formula.

In the mother and child gravity formula: it has a direct relationship with the distance and a direct relationship with the strength of the nuclei.

As a result, the gravity of the moon and the earth is very high.

Full explanation of the gravity formula inside the Earth, with calculations coming soon.

a point:

The moon is accepted: because it entered the rings around the earth from outside the earth. The moon comes from the Kuiper Belt between Mars and Jupiter. This happened when the core of the sun shook and the balance of the planets was disturbed.

The power of the moon's core when it was in the Kuiper belt was very high and it rotated at a speed of about 10 hours. When the moon entered the earth's ring. The core of the moon cooled and lost its power. Reasons in an essay.

After the separation of the Moon, Mercury also separated from the Kuiper Belt at the same time, but the Earth's core had captured the Moon and no longer had the power to trap Mercury. As a result, Mercury goes to the rings of Venus. How the Moon and Mercury separate from the Kuiper belt: Due to the strong vibration in their cores, the speed of rotation of their cores increases, as a result of which their rotation is stretched and penetrates into the orbits of Earth and Venus. I provide the full reason and calculations with the formula.

As a result of the second big shock to the Sun's core, Mercury is separated from Venus and returns to the Sun.

Earth also has a smaller moon called Mehsa, which disintegrated in the second tremor of the Sun's core and fell to Earth, giving rise to life on Earth.

Description of the story with all the details and reasons soon.

2- The moon is also inside the rings of the sun. But the sun gives very little power to the moon's core. The reason is related to the kernel. With the formula coming soon

The sun is the mother of the earth. Earth is the godmother of the moon.

The formula of gravity between the sun and the moon is the same as the formula of two independent bodies. In two independent bodies: gravity is inversely related to the square of the distance between them.

It has a direct relationship with the strength of the nuclei. As a result, the gravity between the Earth and the Moon is infinitely greater than the gravity between the Sun and the Moon.

Full description of gravity formula on independent bodies with calculations coming soon.

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