I have used the formula

LST = (BT / (1 + (0.00115 * BT / 1.4388) * Ln(ε))) for finding the JJA (June, July, and August) LST for California.

Where for BT (at satellite brightness temperature) I have used the 'ST_B10' band directly without re-scaling it since there are no brightness temperature bands in LandSat8 level 2 collection 2 Tier 1 data products and for calculating the emissivity (ε) I've used the re-scaled i.e. (ST_B10 = ("ST_B10" * 0.00341802) + 149.0) and cloud corrected ST_B10 band. When I use the formula (("ST_B10" * 0.00341802) + 149.0) following the LandSat8 handbook for LST, it shows a high value ranging from 10 to 70-degree degrees Celsius for California. I don't know what is wrong here and how to correct it. I am new to this field. Thanks in advance for any help you provide.

References: Weng et al., 2004-Estimation of land surface temperature–vegetation abundance relationship for urban heat island studies. Article Estimation of land surface temperature-vegetation abundance ...

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