Hello everyone,

I am puzzled with something. I have been using Diffusion Toolkit and TrackVis to perform deterministic tractography and I have been extracting uncinate fasciculi.

I obtain the mean FA, MD, RD, and AD values automatically from TrackVis just by loading the respective maps to the software. Here is what's interesting: If I save the uncinate fasciculus I created as a NIFTI file (.nii) and then try to get the mean FA, MD, RD, and AD values from that NIFTI file using fslstats, the mean values I get are completely different from the values TrackVis gives me.

This is the syntax I use : fslstats -k -M

Why is this happening? Shouldn't the mean values be exactly the same? In some cases I am getting mean values from FSL that are smaller than the minimum FA values of TrackVis so we are talking about very diverging values.

Thank you!

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